Logistics and Supply Chain

Transform and redefine efficiency through AI powered solutions for your logistics and supply chain business. Upgrade your abilities in network planning and predicting demand, by employing state-of-the-art solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Our solutions built on AI are designed to help businesses fully digitize inbound and outbound operations. The modern AI technology is changing quickly, creating a “new normal” in how companies manage data, run operations and serve customers, in a manner that’s fully intelligent and more efficient.

Featured Solutions of Logistics and Supply Chain Industry

Analyse Big Data Sets
Analyze large, complicated data sets very fast to identify patterns that improve the accuracy of the demand forecast.
Road Monitoring
Get insights on situations that can delay order deliveries. Predict road congestions with AI even before they happen and get timely updates on alternative faster routes.
Pattern Recognition
Train AI to regularly inspect assets, detect any physical damage and also identify the best possible solutions to repair the damaged assets. The Computer Vision technology is 90% accurate.
Autonomous Vehicles
Use autonomous driving systems enhance freight capacity and minimize costs. The AI powered technology synchronizes braking, accelerating, steering, and follow a lead truck with a human driver.
Intelligent Warehouses
With Sirius, intelligently sort inventory, simplify order fulfilment, minimize errors around picking of orders accelerate picking and packing of orders.
Predictive Data Analysis
Sift through all the historical data under minutes to accurately predict demand fluctuations and thoroughly analyze factors that influence them.
Improve Supply Chain performance
Easily point out the most influential factors in optimizing supply chain management, be it visual pattern recognition or maintenance of physical assets across supply chain.
Voice-assisted Business Insights
Save countess hours every month to read your BI reports and enable your team to take critical business decisions swiftly. Get your Business Insights anywhere, anytime by simply asking your voice assistants.
End to end supply chain
Get end-to-end visibility of the supply chain and real time insights on where a product is in a supply chain at any given moment of time.
Petty Cash Management
Simplify expense tracking for your logistics and supply chain business on just one app. Get real time expense tracking anytime, anywhere in lieu of dealing with papers. With real time visibility and transparency, eliminate unauthorized expenditures along with any kind of dependencies on manual entry.
Chatbots 1
Enhance your customer experience by enabling chatbots to deliver tracking information to customers at any given time.

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Solutions across Logistics and Supply Chain

Accurate Inventory Management

Ensure the right flow of items in and out of warehouse.

Enhanced Safety

Analyze workplace safety data for any possible risks.

Reduced Operation Costs

Intelligent operations can work error-free for a longer duration.

On-time Delivery

Reduce dependency on manual efforts thus making the entire process faster, smoother and smarter.

Informed decision making

Regular updates on the implications across various scenarios in terms of time, cost and revenue.

Case Studies

Learn about more case studies from our blog

Benefits of Logistics and Supply Chain System

Systematic Inventory Management

Accurate inventory management ensures the appropriate flow of items in and out of a warehouse

Efficient Warehouse

AI systems can address a variety of warehouse issues—more quickly and accurately.

Improved Safety

AI can analyze workplace safety data and inform operators of any risks.

Improved Customer Service

As customer service agents, AI-powered chatbots are available around the clock and can reply to up to 80% of routine questions, saving money on customer service costs and speeding up response times.

Intelligent Industry Predictions

Businesses can effectively plan for future customer needs by taking timely action driven by historical data.

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